Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Random Word Game

Today i'm going to blog about a game that me and my best friend Grace play. We call it The Random Word Game.  So basically it involves a whole bunch of random words that we send each other when we text. It doesn't really have a purpose we just do it when we are bored and ready for some random word conversation. Here are our rules

-The beginning of every text MUST have a random word (ex: Waffles, blueberry, couch, etc) 
-If the beginning of the text doesn't have a random word, your automatically out.
-You can't use the same random word twice
-If a word is plural and you already used the singular version of the word, it counts as using the same word twice (ex: Pillow, Pillows)
-The game starts when somebody texts a random word having nothing to do with the conversation
-People's names don't count as a random word!
-You can do places, cities, objects, animals, as long as its not a name!

Hope you like the randomness! :D

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Friends Forever

Today I am going to talk about my friends. Everyday my friends make my life so much more interesting. They are always there for me and they make me laugh. For each friend I have, I have different inside jokes.  So I made a poem all about my friends and I.

My friends

Our jokes are to many to name
When we aren’t together it’s never the same
With out you guy’s life would be no fun
Especially when we laugh in the sun
Even when life is a rollercoaster ride
I always know you’ll be by my side
I definitely know one thing is true
There’s always a smile on me face when I see you

I hoped everybody like it! So this blog post is dedicated to all of my friends out there who make my life so much fun and interesting. I love you guys! 

Friday, January 20, 2012

My blog :D

Today I am going to blog about my blog! So far many people have been checking it out, but I need more support. So feel free to leave comments, and be sure to follow my blog! I blog something new everyday and will always have a new picture to go with the post. My blog’s are mostly focused on my life, recent events, and opinions. So if you are interested in reading about an average girl, with above average ideas… then this is the place for you. My friends are also a big help, they check here to see what is my post of the day. So remember to check it out right here at www.consider-me.blogspot.com for your latest updates on things that I’m saying! Thank you! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Newspaper Nails

Today I’m going to blog about newspaper nails. It’s a really cool way to make your nails have a cool newspaper look to them. Here’s what you’ll need…

-     Rubbing alcohol
-     A light color of nail polish
-     Some newspaper
-     A clear coat
-    A small cup or bowl.

-     Paint your nails with the light color nail polish. I chose tan. (See picture) but you can choose your favorite light color of nail polish.
-      Wait till your nails are fully dry
-      Put a finger of your painted nail in the small bowl of rubbing alcohol, leave it there for five seconds
-      Get a small piece of newspaper ready
-      Take your nail out of the bowl and press it onto the newspaper lettering
-      Press onto nail for ten seconds or more
-      Slowly take it off and see your lettering
-      Let it sit, then put a clear coat on.

And there you go! You can have the same newspaper nails that I have. It looks cool if you use the crossword section. Feel free to try this, and leave comments on how yours turned out!  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Yogibo

Today I thought that I would blog about one of my favorite things ever, it’s called a Yogibo. Haven’t ever heard of one? It is one of the best things ever. It is like a huge beanbag but its not filled with beans. We all know that beanbags can get uncomfortable after a while, and lose their shape. But this comes in different sizes and never loses its shape. I got one for Christmas and it is one of the best things I have ever gotten. You can get a small, medium, or large size. I have the large size. It is great for sleepovers and if you just want somewhere to sit. I use mine for all uses. Sometimes its fun to just jump on it and free your inner child! My cousin and I usually bring it to an open area and do tricks on it. You can stand it up, lay it down, and even turn it into your own lazy-boy chair! It’s great for the living room because the large size can sit three or four people, depending on your size. I really think that you should consider buying one of these. They are great for just about everybody in your family and it has so many uses. Plus it comes in different colors so you can choose the one that you think best suits you. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

When The Weather Changes

This post is mostly about you, your clothes, and the weather. When seasons change, so should your wardrobe. In winter, try lots of variations between blues, and shades of white. I also recommend some nice dark blue jeans. This brings out the white even more. A great pair of fuzzy boots goes well with the cold winter. Try a pair of Ugg’s, if you are looking for a cheaper price I recommend Bearpaw. Bearpaw is exactly like Ugg’s, the only difference is the price. Fuzzy socks are also a must-have. I wear my fuzzy socks all around my house in the cold weather. If you are going a little more extreme in the cold weather, I suggest you get a nice fur coat. Fur is very in this season and it makes you very warm. Especially in some cold winds. In New England this isn’t happening but if the weather is warm, here are some tips. Try lots of solid colors. You will probably want to get some nice short sleeve V-necks. These are great for a day where you don’t have anything planned and just want to hang out. As for nail polish, you will want to get oranges, and yellows. Warm weather also brings… FLIP FLOPS! Flip-flops are my personal favorite. They sell so many different kinds, and colors that you can mix and match with. Well I hope you consider these season tips for when the weather changes! :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Introducing Myself...

For my very first blog post, I want to talk about some recent events. The other day I went to a clothing store with my mom and my cousin. My cousin and I, found nothing that we would even consider buying. This goes to show you that when you're shopping for clothes, purses, etc. you have to make sure that the place you are shopping has "your style" so you dont waste your time. Dont know your style? This blog will help you eliminate wasting your precious time, by giving you suggestions about my favorite styles. I will also be blogging about and showing you how to accesorize your nails! My style is mostly Hollister, or a very "beachy" look. So before you go clothes shopping, come check out the latest posts on my Blog. To make sure your shopping experience, is fun as possible!:) Also, I will be Blogging about life experiences, random interactions, the latest headline news, things I like and would recommend to my best friend! I enjoy using several modes of communicatation so you can expect to see pictures, videos and of course Words!
So Consider Me, when going online.